“Friday Already?” Mastering Time Purposefully In 5 Steps
Are you the person who says, “Friday Already?” Mastering Time Purposefully conquers feelings of defeat. We’ve curated 5 Steps for Faithful Goal Management.
On Monday, I’m like, “A whole new week ahead with a whole new list of possibilities!”
I can write a blog post, I can begin a painting, design another card, balance the checkbook. Donate blood and save a life. Write a letter, or send a card. Choices.
Then it’s
“Friday Already?”
and I wonder what happened to all those possibilities. The list has too many lines unticked.
I feel overwhelmed and defeated and really, really want a do-over of the week.
That’s when I have to step back, re-think, and go back to this list of…
5 Steps for Mastering Time Purposefully
The first step back usually includes recognizing I didn’t devote the proper time for God. Those few minutes of prayer, meditation and reading God’s Word are the anchor of successful time management.
1. God Time
If God Time is first, He magically manages the rest of your time.
That might sound naïve to you, and it is if you don’t follow through with dedicating all your time to what you learn in your God time. God only manages our time if ALL our time is God time. We can’t switch Him off so we can go forth and do things our way. The magic happens when we carry Him with us throughout the day. When we mindfully pursue the things He suggested and/or supported in those minutes of God Time.
I will lift up my hands toward your commandments,
which I love,
and I will meditate on your statutes.
Psalm 119:48
2. Create Your To-Do List
After God Time, fill the rest of the lines of your daily, weekly, monthly to-do lists. Be sure to add in yearly goals. God is greatly interested in our goals, and wants a chance to help us accomplish them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
Yet, always keep in mind that your God Time prayer included, “Thy will be done.” Seeking Him first will help us discern what is His will. These are the things that will be given unto us.
You do realize God will suggest things for your list that freak you out. What He introduces, He will help you accomplish.
3. Prioritize
We all know what this word means, even if we wish we didn’t.
However, to get to “Friday already?” and accomplish the most important things, we have to number our to-do list wisely.
Look carefully then how you walk,
not as unwise but as wise,
making the best use of the time,
because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be foolish,
but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:15-17

4. Be Faithful in Mastering Time purposefully
Remember the lines we penciled in to do things for others? That is so very important if mastering time purposefully is our goal.
God. Others. Me. A succession for success.

5. Forgive Yourself
When you’ve done your best, leave God the rest.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
We often interpret this verse as a command, but it is actually a comfort from God. He approves honest efforts to serve Him, and when we work mindfully, we need not be ashamed of what we’ve accomplished, however little or much.
So are you still saying
“Friday Already?”
Mastering Time purposefully
doesn’t come automatically. However, every act of work, when done as unto God, is worthy.
Go into your weekends with anticipation, putting your work goals in their place:
On the list for Monday!