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  1. What a perfect personalized gift! Great use for a roadside find! Just love the DIY challenge!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. Do you revive roadkill? Yes, the challenges are fun. Thanks to Sydney!

  2. I would have done exactly the same – stopped the car to get those feet! I love how your personalized wedding gift turned out. Thanks for the helpful sign printing tip too! Lovely to be in the challenge with you!

    1. Hi, Jayne. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the challenges are fun. The adrenalin boost gives the creativity muscle a jolt.

  3. This turned out so cute. I love the personalized touch. The products and tips on food safe oils is super helpful too! Happy to take part in this challenge with you 🙂

    1. It’s fun when you make a find (like the pretty furniture feet) and get inspired to do something before they disappear in the stash pile. Thanks for visiting kimenink!

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