Five Smooth Stones: The Armor for Life’s Battles
David used five smooth stones to conquer Goliath.
Our 5 stone-weapons for life’s enemies are promise, praise, preparation, prayer and peace.
Thoughts on 1 Samuel 17
David picked his way along the rock-strewn wadi. His eyes swept the dry brook’s bed, searching for stones suitable for his pouch. He needed just the right stones for the job he had volunteered to do. No, he knew he was not even close to a physical match for the giant he would have to face, but he also knew God had chosen him and given him a special position. The prophet Samuel’s anointing oil had changed his direction forever. As David gave his trust to that destiny, he was persuaded that God would be with him, even in this unfair battle about to happen. God’s promise is that He will be “with us always.” David felt the joy of a deep, settled faith.
Ah, there –
David stooped and brought up a smooth stone.
David placed the stone in his pouch and walked on. His gaze caught movement in the brown vegetation at the wadi’s edge. What animal searched for food here? With natural, fluid grace, his sling was out and ready. He felt no fear knowing God could help him destroy any enemy. As the animal slunk deeper into the desert, David replaced his sling, grateful and filled with praise toward a gracious God who cares for His own.
Just then he saw another stone, as perfect as the first.
David bent and picked up a second smooth stone.
The near confrontation with the wild animal caused him to remember the most difficult thing he had ever done. He shuddered as he thought of that awful day when he found his father’s little lambs strewn about a clearing, lifeless and broken. No small enemy could wreak such devastation. He searched dens and caves, then finally came upon the lion, a struggling lamb yet in its jaws. David’s knees shook and his arm felt weak as a stone from his sling destroyed the lion. Later, when the bear came, because God was with him when he faced the lion, he felt more confident, more prepared. Today, when he faced Goliath, he would depend on that preparation.
David stooped the third time and picked up a smooth stone.
David’s brother was so angry when David came to the soldier’s camp. Eliab thought David left their father’s sheep alone and without defense simply to be where the action was. Eliab would really be angry when he found out what David planned to do. In spite of David’s respect for his older brother, he knew he must carry on. He bowed his head in prayer and asked God for His blessing in this task He had given him, and which he must carry through in spite of those who opposed him.
David spotted his fourth smooth stone.
It was a hurdle, trying to convince the king he could do this work. King Saul gave in then; believed God could save David from the giant’s hand, and he said, “Go, and the Lord will be with thee.” Yes, David knew God would be with him. Peace stole into his heart.
David had five smooth stones.
David strode forth to face the Philistine.

To win life’s battles, we need “five smooth stones.”
- Promise. We need deep, settled faith, the simple trust to believe the promise that He will always be with us.
- Praise. We need the stone of praise. Faith cannot survive without thankfulness to the One who gives that gift. Even before the peace and joy happens, we must praise the Lord. And praise Him more. When it seems impossible, still we praise.
- Preparation. When I tackle a recipe, I need to prepare the ingredients and study the steps, making sure I have what it takes to get the desired outcome. To prepare for life’s battles, I need the Word of God deep in my heart and ready to lean on when the battle comes.
- Prayer. Ask God for help and endurance to continue when the battle comes strong and fast. Sometimes life seems all about the battle, but with prayer we can rise above that view, and see the big picture He wants us to see: His Glory, Beauty and Salvation. Which makes the hard times worth while, and makes it easier to see the joy that is ours even on earth.
- Peace. And then peace comes in and fills and refills us and we can go forth with courage.
The “five smooth stones” to armor us for life are belief in the Promise; Praise; Preparation; Prayer; and Peace.
Why did David choose five stones when it only took one to destroy the giant? Was it another sign of a faithful man’s desire to be prepared? It appears that Goliath had 4 brothers, so perhaps David thought he might need to defend himself from their revenge. (2 Samuel 21:15-22) Also, we know he faced many enemies of the sheep he cared for, so he surely kept his bag filled at all times. Keeping prepared.

Dorothy, I love this story of David and the stones. I really appreciate how you have portrayed this. Isn’t wonderful to know that God is bigger than our task or instruments of choice? With HIM all is possible.
Oh, I know, Rachel. In this instrument of my choice – feeble words trying to convey His awesomeness – I couldn’t even begin without His power.