Children’s Bible Lesson, The Parable of the Lamps
A Children’s Bible Lesson for Church or home-school study. Jesus’ Parable of the Lamps is available in printable or mailed options.
Jesus told the people who lived in his time lots of parables.
The parables were stories that Jesus made up, and were meant to help people learn how to serve God.
The stories Jesus told help us to understand even today how to love God and Jesus better. The meaning behind the stories is important, even more than the stories themselves.
The Parable of the Lamps and Oil: 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Girls
One day Jesus told the people a story about ten young women who planned to journey to a wedding. It was a long walk, so they took their lamps so they could see when it got dark.
Five of the girls were wise and brought extra oil, while the other five were careless and foolish and did not take the time to bring any extra oil.
They finally got to the place where the wedding was to be held. but the bridegroom wasn’t there yet. They waited and waited, and finally they all fell asleep. When the bridegroom arrived at midnight, the wise ones were ready with their lamps lit, but the foolish ones had run out of oil. They quickly went to buy more, but when they returned, it was too late. The bridegroom had closed the door, and they could not go in to the wedding.
Jesus told this story to teach us to always be ready, like the wise women with their oil. We should prepare our hearts for day that Jesus comes back. We should not wait until the last minute, or we’ll miss out on something very special. It’s like being ready for a surprise test at school; if you study every day, you won’t be worried when the test comes.

Parable of the Lamps Lesson Packet Details
Cover Page:
- The Bible Scripture to read for the story
- A glue in picture about the story
- A memory verse to learn
Page 2 and 3:
- The Story with pictures
Page 4:
- A picture of the maids with their lamps to color
- Each lesson includes a simple craft which develops the Lesson Idea in a textural way.
Get the Parable of the Lamps and Oil
FREE 4 Page Printable Lesson and Craft
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More Parables of Jesus Lessons
Find more Lessons of the Parables of Jesus Series on the blog:
Parable of the Lost Coin
The Parable of the Sower
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
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