Children Hear and Understand God, The Parable of the Sower
Children Hear and Understand God, The Parable of the Sower.
A Bible Story for your littles, to talk about
truly hearing God, which becomes action.
Children, can you hear and understand God?
The Parable of the Sower
The Farmer picked up his sack of seed and slung it over his shoulder. He was going to his field to plant his seed.
“Tweedle, dee, dee, two-odle, oo-oo,” the Farmer whistled. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. Birds sang from the trees and crickets chirped merrily. Bees buzzed in circles around beautiful wild flowers. The Farmer’s world was perfect, and he was happy to be going to his field to plant.
The sun would shine, the rain would fall, and the seeds would grow. Soon he would have lots of golden wheat to harvest.
The Farmer marched and whistled past a pretty stream on his way to his field.
And little seeds found a hole in the sack and fell beside the path. The birds swooped down from the trees and snapped them up with their beaks. They were having a feast!
The Farmer came to a rocky place where he put all the rocks he gathered off of his field. His field had to be smooth and black so the seed could grow.
The Farmer picked his way through the rocky place.
The seeds fell among the rocks, but the Farmer didn’t notice. He whistled and walked on.
Finally the Farmer got to his field. He put his hand into his bag to get a handful of seed to spread.
“What has happened?” cried the Farmer. His bag was not full anymore! Where had the seed gone?
The Farmer studied his bag of seeds. He found the hole.
The farmer looked behind him and saw the trail of seeds. He did not whistle now.
The Parable of the Sower: Children’s Bible Lesson
Jesus told this story, the Parable of the Sower, to all the people who gathered to hear him by the seashore.
Back in the the time of Jesus, he told the people lots of parable stories.
These stories that did not actually happen, but were meant to help people know more about God and how to serve Him.
The stories Jesus told help us even today to learn how to love God and Jesus better. The meaning of the stories has more value than the stories, and that is what Jesus intended.

The Parables of Jesus Lesson 3
Page 1:
- The Bible Scripture to read for the story
- A glue in picture about the story
- A memory verse to learn
Page 2 and 3
- The Story with pictures
Page 4
- A picture to color
Parable of the Sower Craft
- The lesson includes a simple craft which develops the study idea in a textural way. The children will make an apple with the memory verse on the core, and red strips glued top and bottom to form an apple shape. The Teacher’s Notes explain the significance of the chosen craft.

More Parables of Jesus Lessons
Find more Lessons of the Parables of Jesus Series on the blog:
Parable of the Lamps and Oil
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
The Parable of the Lost Coin
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“Parables of Jesus”
Lesson Club
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a Craft with the supplies included to complete it,
Teaching Tips and Extra Activity Ideas.
So cute!
Thank you!