
Life and Inspiration category is our answer to the everyday dilemmas we all face and the wisdom we need to rise above the difficulties.

We know you get that every day of your life you make choices.

We’ve learned that the hard way sometimes, and sometimes, well, we get lucky and the stars align and courage swells and life is good.

We want to share all that with you. Our Life and Inspiration blog posts are to encourage ourselves as much as you. I sometimes go back and read what I’ve written and get all like, “Did I write that? Or did some blessed elf come by and write this for me while I wasn’t paying attention?”

Check out this category to read our reminiscing and pondering and sharing our hearts.


Two Awesome Sauces, And The Secret to Finding Community

Food wouldn’t be the same without some awesome sauces. Life isn’t as enjoyable without the sauce of finding community. Finding Community is “Awesome Sauce” We have some awesome “sauce” to share today. It’s a sauce that’s like adding gravy to mashed potatoes. It absolutely adds the finishing touch. Mashed potatoes are yummy all by themselves,…