Journey’s End; Lessons Learned from Rebekah’s Story
Rebekah nears her journey’s end. She failed at times, triumphed at times. What is her legacy? How do you want to be remembered?
Life and Inspiration category is our answer to the everyday dilemmas we all face and the wisdom we need to rise above the difficulties.
We know you get that every day of your life you make choices.
We’ve learned that the hard way sometimes, and sometimes, well, we get lucky and the stars align and courage swells and life is good.
We want to share all that with you. Our Life and Inspiration blog posts are to encourage ourselves as much as you. I sometimes go back and read what I’ve written and get all like, “Did I write that? Or did some blessed elf come by and write this for me while I wasn’t paying attention?”
Check out this category to read our reminiscing and pondering and sharing our hearts.
Rebekah nears her journey’s end. She failed at times, triumphed at times. What is her legacy? How do you want to be remembered?
Rebekah’s Self-Control spins off: Realizing the danger her deception placed on her favorite son, she is forced to send him away.
Rebekah’s symbolic Fruit of the Spirit Journey to Meekness. Desperate to fulfill God’s plan for her favorite son,
she strays outside His lines.
Rebekah’s symbolic Fruit of the Spirit Journey to Faith. Rebekah believes she is faithful to God, but she fails her place as a mother.
Rebekah’s symbolic Journey to Goodness. Life sometimes causes her to question God and complain. Her struggles were real, as are ours today.
Rebekah’s symbolic Journey to Fruit of the Spirit continues… Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, which is Patience, and now, Gentleness.
Rebekah’s story continues on her symbolic Fruit journey to Patience. Longsuffering, we find, is key to good relationships.
Rebekah bravely rides the camel on the journey to her new life, feeling peace in trusting to God’s plan. This post studies peace in Christ.
Choosing joy and conquering fear as shown through Rebekah’s symbolic Journey to Fruit of the Spirit. Study the 5 Steps to Spiritual Happiness
Friday Preparation Day, a Biblical tradition. The first of ten studies of Rebekah’s life as a symbolical journey to the Fruit of the Spirit.
Successful Family Camping means being prepared. I went from reluctant to ready with this Master Camping List we’re sharing today, for free!
Promise yourself that you will survive VBS. Go to the Captain, plot your course, and you won’t shipwreck on the shores of volunteering.