
A Kitchen should be known as the heart of the home. The central area of your home where everyone is welcome. Where not only bodies get fed, but hearts and minds also.

So we’re offering our best in comfort recipes, organizing tips, or anything that might need a list or label or paper of any kind.

You know by now that food goes a long way to feeling well. Not only in the healthy ingredients for body benefits. There are many feel-good benefits from eating certain dishes you ate at special occasions. Or the happy childhood times around the kitchen table.

If you’re not looking for fancy gourmet, come sit by us. We love to fake it till we make it, and we’ll help you get there, too.

Enjoy reading!


It’s Spring: Robin Book-Page Napkin Rings DIY

It’s Spring, people! Let’s do this Robin Book-Page Napkin Rings DIY. Celebrate Spring’s arrival with this practically free and organically gorgeous dinner table décor! Today our guests arrive in Arizona on their big USA tour. And we’ll entertain them for dinner this evening. My husband, the grill-master extraordinaire, has pork chops marinating with his special recipe. The…