Crafts and DIY

Do you love Crafts and other things DIY?

Good. Then you’ve come to the right place. Kim & Ink started this website because crafting is part of our DNA.

The first DIYing I did was papering my room in blue and white when I was in high school. A few years later I purchased a beautiful voile print and matching solid polyester, then designed and sewed a bed skirt and curtains and quilted the bedspread and pillow shams. It was beautiful, although I have no idea if it was the latest style. We only had the department store’s catalog for our style guide in those days!

But this isn’t a blog post. So, read the posts in this category to discover the evolution of Kim & Ink and the Crafts and DIYs we can’t help but share.

Connecting When A Faraway Grandson Turns Three

Connecting When A Faraway Grandson Turns Three

  When your grandson turns three, talking on the telephone might go something like this: Daddy:  “Say “hi” to Grandma.” Grandson: “HI-I-I!” Grandma:  “Hi, sweetheart.  How are you?” Grandson:  “HI-I-I!” Grandma:  “Hi!  I love you!” Grandson:  “Wuv you, too.  ‘bye.” Grandma:  “Wait.  What are you playing?  How’s little brother?  What did you….” But he’s gone,…

Rainbows and Butterflies: Free Kid’s Coloring Printable

Rainbows and Butterflies: Free Kid’s Coloring Printable

Rainbows and butterflies go together like – well – racecars and bullfrogs. Download our free Teaching Colors printables for Home or School! Free Kid’s Coloring Printables  I know a little who would rather have a coloring card than a cupcake. Most times when this little comes to my house, she says, “Gramma, I want a…