
This category showcases Kim & Ink’s interest in your littles. We have some very popular Baby products, and these stories support and elaborate on those products.

Before the new arrival there is a lot of planning and preparing that happens. The Shower. The Nursery decor. The closet organization and that first wardrobe.

Then there is your little’s development, with our researched  recommendations for the best toys and books to help them thrive and be happy. We also share journal tips for memory keeping.

Check out this category so you’re prepared for the big event! Kim & Ink is here to help you have the best experience possible!


The Effects of Placental Calcification; Kim’s Story, Chapter Three

What did or didn’t the doctor know about the effects of placental calcification and why didn’t she share with us? Kim’s Story, Chapter Three.   As we shared in the previous chapter of Kim’s birth story, Kim’s birth was successfully uneventful, and other than induction and low birth weight, we never received any inkling that…