Get That 70s Boho Vibe in Baby’s Nursery + Free Printable
Wanna get that 70s Boho Vibe going
in your Baby’s Nursery?
Check out these cool earthy samples.
Plus get a free boho rainbow printable.
Get the Boho Rainbow Printable Personalized Here.
More Baby Nursery Ideas Here:
Honey Bee Baby Nursery: Paint, Wall and Décor Ideas
Cloud Themed Nursery Ideas for Walls, Windows and More
Navy Nursery Swag: Dark Blue Baby Room Eye Candy
Baby’s Changing Station Ideas: Plus Special Needs Ideas
How to Make a Personalized Bee Pillow: Easy Nursery DIY
Get that 70s Boho Vibe goin’ in Baby’s Nursery

Rust is one of our favorite boho colors, and it’s also trending on Pantone’s summer color charts for summer.
It’s a color you can easily find in almost any baby store right now, which makes it easy to find the elements you want for styling your baby’s room.
AND these boho style rainbows are on everything. Sheets, blankets, wallpaper, decals and frameable prints.
(That’s why we had to add our version. To confuse you a little more!)

We just adore this rocking chair. I mean, if you’ve looked at 70s style furniture at all you’ll know it fits right in.
And it’s also totally modern and now looking.
I love that old mug rack hanging on the wall. It goes beyond décor and into the organizing category. You can hang all kinds of goodies on there. Bibs, pacifier cords, lovey blankets, stuffed animals. So cute.

There’s so much about this baby’s nursery givin’ out that boho vibe.
The rug. (Color, style).
That crib. (Is it homemade or not??)
The wooden toy play rack.
Those banners…

If you have this crib with these style elements, you have your whole room done!
We really, really want that cream pillow, even though we don’t have a nursery.
(Note: our consciences won’t let us post these lovely pictures without warning you parents with babies. Remove all pillows, bumper pads, or any objects that can become a danger when baby is in the crib.)
Boho Rainbow Printable
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