My Year’s Verse: Keep Shining to the Perfect Day
My Year’s Verse: Keep Shining to the Perfect Day.
When your son doesn’t know you’re looking for “the” verse, and gives you the perfect one!
I kept reading all the Words of the Year that my friends and fellow bloggers were choosing.
And they’re all so GOOD!
But I couldn’t decide. I waffled. And pondered.
Inspire? Dream? Create? Shine?
Okay, I like Shine, but, what exactly would I tell people it means when I say that’s my word?
Shine is good as a Word of the Year
but not quite good enough.
Have I told you lately how inspiring my sons are?
How they take the High Road and live with the Light in their lives?
They do. They make me jealous sometimes. But they also make me so happy, because they are my built-in, can’t-get-out-of-it, personal support group. As soon as tears puddle in my eyes, their faces soften and their arms (hearts) reach out. If they’re not with me to see the tears, they know anyway.
Somehow, they just do. It’s a mother-son thing. It’s incredibly precious.

They are my Shining to the Perfect Day.
With them at my back, I can stand taller and act stronger and be full of courage.
I can Shine. I can keep the Light Shining in my heart, clear up until the Perfect Day.
The Perfect Day when I won’t have any more tears, and my sons will be shining beside me up there on those golden streets and we’ll sing and sing and praise for. ever. more.
So, my Year’s Verse?
Well, all my children were home for Christmas this year.
All my children and grandchildren, whom you know as my “glittles.” (I should change that to glittlers, shouldn’t I?)
And it was so good.
So one morning, my son, his wife and their two sons joined us in the family room, and my son took the Bible in his hands.
He had a light of purpose in his eyes. I could see it. And you know what God had given him to read that morning?
I knew as soon as I heard it that it was meant for me. God knew I was searching, and He gave me the answer through my son’s inspiration.
Now you know. This is why my sons are my shining lights.

My Year’s Verse: Proverbs 4:18
It’s all in there.
This verse has all the shining and the path of the just and the “unto the Perfect Day” in it.
I’ve already lettered it twice, and I’ll probably try it a few more times before the year is over, because this is the year I want to remember to Shine.
May you have a Shining Year that shines to the Perfect Day…