Sticky-Words-how to delete-negative-associations-kimenink

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  1. I have tears in my eyes. Yes, indeed! Families have been torn apart all by some thoughtless word or deed. Blood is thicker than water but apparently not thicker than words. You are right — we are fortunate to know and call KariAnne friend. We are in a very special group.

    1. So glad we have a Way to dilute the stickiness of negative words. Bring on the KariAnne stickies.

  2. Leslie Watkins says:

    Beautiful reminder of how to navigate through a world of sticky words…gravitating toward those encouraging ones. Thankful that sweet daughter has a great mom to help guide her through that storm of words with grace and wisdom. I’m sticking with Karianne’s words, too. I can pass Kleenex if you need them on the second read of her book. Once is simply not enough.

    1. Definitely am reading it again. In fact, the first two chapters have been read three times now. Please, share the Kleenex. For the tears of laughter, too!!

  3. I.
    You know what these words you just wrote made me do? Cry. Cry with the joy of reading someone else’s heart. You are a writer and your words make me believe in all that’s good and right in this world. Thank you for inspiring me today.


    1. Thank you for commenting, KariAnne. I need to frame this precious first-ever comment on this baby website. Do you have a DIY for a frame?? #soclosetoamazing

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