The Invisible Three Fold Cord of a Godly Marriage
An Invisible Three Fold Cord is not easily broken.
The unseen strings God used to draw you together
will now intertwine into an unbreakable marriage bond.
The very best news ever
has begun to spread the wide world over…
one heart at a time.
Shout it out from the mountaintops!
Every single one of us is connected
to those we love with Invisible Strings.
Patricia Karst
Sometimes I wish I was a good writer
so that I could write a book like “The Invisible String” or “The Invisible Web”
and I would write it for young men and women
who wonder about their futures.
Because the same invisible strings that bind families,
and the invisible web that binds people
who love each other whether they are together or far apart…
Those incredible unseen strings,
have their counterpart in the stories of all young couples who meet,
fall in love, and then marry.
God uses those individual invisible strings
that are part of the invisible web that covers the whole earth
to draw two people together from wherever they grew up,
slowly drawing them in, until they meet at the right time and place,
and find their future in each other.
Six years ago, my nephew met a girl in Africa. This summer,
the invisible string that drew their hearts ever closer
as they went about their lives a thousand miles apart,
will become the invisible yet invincible
Three Fold Cord of Marriage.
A minister spoke about this bond at a recent wedding.
The bride and groom were from different countries. With different cultures.
The minister said this would be a challenge to their marriage,
but if each would respect those cultures and differences,
the invisible three fold cord between them and God could surmount the issues that came up.
And if one prevail against him,
two shall withstand him;
and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

When a young man and a young woman
bring their desire for marriage to God
and ask for His direction, God is pleased.
This allows Him to begin His work to bring about their desires.
It is then not a matter of their own wills,
working alone to make their common dream a reality.
It is rather a threefold cord that is started.
It is a cord that entwines the will of God with the needs,
desires and dreams of the young man and the young woman.
It is a cord that the three of them will continue to weave
as long as the two human lives last…
It is a cord that is anchored not on earth but in heaven.
“A Threefold Cord”
by Richard Koehn