Rahab Saves the Spies | Children’s Bible Lesson
“Rahab Saves the Spies” is a Bible story that always thrills. Use our children’s lesson for home study or your Sunday School class.
Long ago, there was an ancient city named Jericho. The city had great walls around to protect it from enemies. Inside this city lived a woman named Rahab. Rahab’s house was built right up against a wall of the city. One day, two strangers knocked on her door. These men were spies sent by Joshua. They were on a secret mission to gather details about the city, so that their army could prepare to invade Jericho. Rahab sensed something special about the men, and she took a risk when she allowed them into her house. The city could not know she had spies in her house!
As word of spies in the city spread through Jericho, fear gripped the people. The king sent soldiers through the city to find the spies. The came to Rahab’s door. But Rahab hid the spies on her roof, and told the soldiers she thought they had escaped. Then she helped the spies get away. They climbed down a rope outside the wall of the city and ran back to their army.
Because she helped the spies, they promised Rahab that she and her family would be spared when they took the city of Jericho. This promise, sealed by a scarlet cord hung from her window, not only saved Rahab’s life but also marked her as one of God’s children. Rahab’s story teaches us that faith and kindness can lead to redemption, even in ways that surprise us.

How to get the “Rahab Saves the Spies” Bible Lesson:
There are three ways to get the “Rahab Saves the Spies” Children’s Bible Lesson.
You can fill in the form at the bottom of the page and get a FREE download of the lesson. This download includes a 5 page PDF file, which includes a title page, 2 story pages, an activity page, and a craft you can make with items you likely already have at home.
Another option is to purchase a printable Rahab Saves the Spies lesson which includes everything in the Free download, plus more story details, extra activity and learning ideas, suggested songs and more to make the lesson more fun.
Or you can purchase a mailed lesson that includes everything you need in a packet sent right to your door. You’ll find this at the same link for the printed version above, which is found in our Children’s Inspirational Shop.

“Rahab Saves the Spies” is included
in our “Faithful Friends” Bible Lesson book with 9 other lessons about special friend stories found in the Bible.
Each lesson in the “Faithful Friends Book and Craft Packet” includes
- Bible Scripture to read for the story
- An ancient Bible map showing where the story happened
- A glue in picture about the story (many of the pictures are original watercolors)
- A special verse on the lesson topic to memorize
- The craft that applies the lesson learned in the story.
- Study Notes
- Song ideas
- Additional activity ideas and questions for a teacher or parent to help impress the lesson and make the story a memorable learning experience.