You know, don’t you, that humankind lets you be a fabulous flunky?
You don’t have to ace everything to be a success story.
If you’ve read the book “Humankind*” by Brad Aronson, you’ve read about 4Paws for Ability. This organization breeds and trains service dogs for people with disabilities.
But just like we humans, some dogs also have disabilities. And that makes some of them flunk out of service dog classes.
When becoming a service dog is determined not to be the best fit, these dogs become a “Fabulous Flunky!”
… These fantastic dogs make wonderful family pets! Some of them even go on to compete in canine sports like agility or rally, or work as therapy dogs! 4 Paws breeder dogs, service dogs, and Fabulous Flunkies alike, get to live their absolute best life thanks to the happy and healthy start they get at 4 Paws through our Puppy Enrichment, Prison, and Volunteer Trainer Programs, as well as, with all of the 4 Paws staff!
… Some common reasons why a dog may be removed from the service dog program are: inappropriate barking for a service dog, wanting to be in charge, not wanting to share their food or toys with other dogs, being uncomfortable in public, or for various health reasons. (4Paws website)
A Fabulous Flunky Story
Fab flunkie update! It’s a long and lovely one!
On November 1, we adopted Wiki, and our lives are forever changed by this lovable little girl. I can honestly say I don’t know who is more excited to have a girl – Wiki or my daughter Rowan. They’re the best of friends, and Wiki certainly loves her little girl to pieces. I’ve walked Wiki to school numerous times to pick Rowan up, and all the kids run to her to get high fives; some teachers have even come out to sit and pet her, as she has this calming, de-stressing aura about her. One of the kids asked the principal if Wiki could come in so they can read to her, and he replied “Only after she learns how to sign her name.” Well, we’re currently working on that, because a licked paw and subsequent paw print on concrete is as good as a signature, and a nose print is better than a fingerprint, right?
I have information about a therapy dog training session coming up, and I plan on enrolling Wiki into the classes. I’ve also contacted Gem City Obedience so they can teach me how to work with Wiki, because this little girl is SMART. Super smart, actually, and I want to make sure her mind stays sharp and she doesn’t get bored.
I’ve contacted Honour, her puppy trainer, and we’re planning a road trip to see her this spring so they can reunite and have some fun. Honour has been wonderful, and has sent me photos and given me tips on things to help Wiki get settled. For example, Wiki hated taking car rides, even though I made sure her spot in the back had a custom cut piece of memory foam covered by blankets, as well as a place to hold some toys. Honour told me Wiki liked sitting in the back seat, so I ran out and got a seat cover and now we’re traveling buddies. She also gave me tips on how Wiki may react at the groomer, and how to counter-balance that. It wasn’t necessary, but certainly appreciated, because she waltzed into Mantra Paws like she owned it, and wowed the staff with how incredibly good she is.
She’s living a life full of toys, bones, and treats, as well as many daily play sessions and romps around the house. I’ve learned she likes to sleep on the bed, with a pillow, in order to keep watch over her house by looking out the window. She’s also a VERY hairy little girl, but she loves to be brushed and it’s quite relaxing for me or Rowan to sit with her and just brush her and love on her while we’re watching TV. She gets along quite well with the neighborhood dogs, and loves to play zoom-zoom next door with her buddy Bits.
We recently bought her an LED dog collar so she can go out to potty and we can find her at a glance, and it makes walking with her so fun when her little pink collar is all lit up. We also bought one for our corgi, Gryffyn, so the 2 of them are like mismatched peas in a pod. Speaking of Gryffyn, Wiki has perked him up quite a bit and he’s no longer a grumpy old man, but just an old man now (huge improvement on his part, but it took a few weeks of adjustment to get to that point).
All in all, Wiki is a WONDERFUL addition to our family, and I can’t thank you and the staff at 4 Paws enough for allowing us to come meet her and give her her furever home. She’s just what we needed to perk up the household, even thought we didn’t know it at the time she came to us. Please let all her handlers know she is happy, healthy, and thriving; best of all, she has a little girl that would do anything for her, and they both have a best friend in each other, one that will keep all their secrets.
With much gratitude,
Story taken from 4Paws social media. Here are some responses to the above story:
“I’m not crying. YOU’RE crying…….. okay I’m crying

I’m so happy for them
“Wonderful story with a very happy ending! I am Honour’s aunt, and we wondered where Wiki would spend her life. Thanks for the update! And we are very proud of Honour… for the part she played in Wiki’s life!”
The Bible’s Fabulous Flunky
The Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well had a sad history. Her life was basically a failure. She’d gone through 3 husbands, and couldn’t make it work with any of them.
She came to the well to get water, and Jesus offered her the Water of Life.
And that’s what makes her fabulous. She took the life she flunked out on, and changed herself into a winner by recognizing the Chance of a Lifetime when she saw it.
Then she went to the very people who ostracized her, and told them the great News she heard at the well. She was so filled with excitement about this new Hope it bubbled out of her like an artesian well. It flowed through her to all the people she came in contact with.
And when they saw how different she became, the people who looked down on her had to start looking up. Because she was on a new and higher plain.
Be a Fabulous Flunky
Are you flunking out, or feel as if you are?
What defeats you and makes you feel like you can’t be a proper service dog?
Can you change directions, and fit into a different kind of service that is just as valuable? Even if it’s less popular or doesn’t get you on the front page news?
Be a Wiki if you flunk out of disability dog school. You can’t talk and inspire enthusiasm like Becky, or be the supermom like Karen. But you can do something. You have a talent. Don’t bury it. Let it grow and flow, like the woman at the well.
But as for you,
be strong and do not give up,
for your work will be rewarded.
2 Chronicles 15:7