Fall Wedding Invitation DIY: Make Your Own Card Suite
Fall Wedding Invitation DIY:
Make Your Own Watercolor Card Suite.
If your dream is to create your own wedding invitations,
here’s the how-to for you!
Are you a bride-to-be who wants a handmade wedding?
Do you love fine papers as much as we do?
You don’t have to be a pro to paint these wedding invitations.
You just have to have watercolor paints, brushes and time.

Fall Wedding Invitation DIY
What you need:
- Watercolor paint in the fall color of your choice. We are using navy.
- Watercolor large flat brush, small liner brush, paper towel, water jar.
- Gold metallic paint, optional.
- Deckle-edge invitations like these. Or use Strathmore Watercolor Paper #140, which is what we did. With paper we can make any size card we wish. And tearing the edges with our special deckle edge hack is a cinch. (We’ll show you how soon.)
- Envelopes. The same company has invitation envelopes with deckled edge flaps. Gorgeous!
- A word program to set up the written invitation PDF. We use Microsoft Publisher. If you don’t feel confident diving in on your own, here is a great free tutorial for designing wedding stationery.
- A home printer that can print small card or take them to your local commercial printer.

How to Paint your cards:
- Place a dab of blue watercolor paint on your palette. Mix in some brown if you need a more navy color.
- Brush one end of the invitation with clear water.
- Dip a very wet brush into the paint, swoosh it around to get the color even on the brush, then brush onto the wet edge.
- Let the paint edge and run into a pleasing design. Let dry.
- Repeat step 5 until you get the blue as dark as you’d like. Let dry.
- If the paper gets wavy, cover with cardboard from a box and weight down with books until the paper is dry.
- Add gold lines with the liner brush. Follow random edges, leave some thin and make some lines thicker. Omit this step if you’re not into glitz.
- Lay the cards on the table to dry. Don’t stack or allow the cards to overlap.
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Set up the Wedding Invitation PDF for printing:
- Pick a couple of your favorite fonts. Invitations most often use two font styles. One is a sans serif printed font, while the second is more decorative script. The script is usually reserved for the couple’s names.
- Decide on the wording you prefer.
- Open a document and experiment with fonts and formats until you like it.
- Save as a high-res Jpeg or a PDF. Ask your printer what they prefer. (The printer can do all the formatting for you.)
Additional Wedding Invitation Suite ideas:
- Make wedding program cards, table number cards and/or menu cards.
- Cut 5″ x 7″ invitation cards in half to 3.5″ x 5″ and fold into 2.5″ x 3.5″ place cards.
- Paint these all to match.
If you have any questions feel free to email us at kimenink@gmail.com.
If you don’t want to make your own, you can buy these invitations in our Wedding Shop.
Enjoy making your wedding invitations!
And please share this tutorial to your favorite social media.