Do A Dot Art Free Downloads (A Fun Digital Curfew Activity)
Do A Dot Art is a great indoor activity variation in the dog days of summer.
To arm your ongoing digital curfew battle, we collected a bunch of free downloads.
Print and let them enjoy!
The Ongoing Digital Curfew Battle
Walter Isaacson interviewed Steve Jobs in 2014 in preparation for the biography he wrote about the Apple inventor.
Mr. Jobs said he and his wife allowed no devices at the dinner table, keeping it strictly a family sharing time.
His children had never used an iPad, he told Mr. Isaacson, even though it had been on the market for 4 years already.
Steve Jobs is only one of many technology executives keeping a digital curfew on their children. It helps if parents are smarter than the children at the tech game, since they’re going to find ways around the blocks and shutdowns. One Dad installed special routers all over the house to track his family’s screen time. He also tracked what they were doing online.
This is good parenting. Last year the World Health Organization released guidelines for screen limits for children. Their recommendations for 8 to 18 year old children was no more than 2 hours a day. Children 2 to 5 shouldn’t have more than 1 hour.
That leaves parents (and grandparents) with the responsibility of finding activities beyond screen time. And some days, it’s too hot to tell them to go play outside, even if they have a pool in the backyard.
So it helps to find new activities to supplement your children’s favorites when boredom hits.
That’s where Do A Dot markers hit the spot. Pun intended.

Do A Dot Art Free Downloads
Do A Dot markers were patterned after the daubers used to play bingo instead of chasing after chips.
It didn’t take long before someone said “Bingo,” and Do A Dot Art was born.
Teachers use them to teach math, science, spelling and more. Parents can use them as a fun way for kids to keep their brains in motion while out of school. 2020 has seen a shortage of classroom time for students, and I really think they’re missing it. Don’t you?
So let’s go after these links.
If you don’t already own Do A Dot Markers, they’re available at most stores that carry children’s hobby supplies. If you’re doing online shopping now, you can order them here on Amazon.
Or if you want them today, order as a curbside pickup at Michaels Art Store. Prices are about the same anywhere, so it will be a bit of a splurge. Be sure to buy them on sale or with a coupon.

Do A Dot Art Downloads List:
- Ocean themed dabber art.
- Very Hungry Caterpillar Do A Dot Worksheets to go with a book read-aloud.
- Learn to Count 1 to 10 goes beyond dabbers, using stickers and more on the dots to develop motor skills.
- has Farm Animal Do A Dot Printables.
- Spring Do A Dot Printables. Read this page and follow the links for more seasonal free activities.
- “Buy” these free Transportation Toys Do A Dot printables.
- Firefighter Themed Printables, also from Gift of Curiosity.
- Royal Baloo offers Weather Pack Printables.
- Kati at Gift of Curiosity has the neatest art, like the Insect Do A Dot Art Printable.
- And another animal themed pack from Rainforest Animals Pack.