Church Ladies Lunch Menu: Burrito Bowl Feast
Today we have to share the Church Ladies Lunch Menu from yesterday. A delicious burrito bowl meal we feasted on for the noon meal on our stitching for charity day.
So the Church Ladies had a day yesterday. Sewing thick dresses and comforters for Russia. (I wonder where in Russia these things are going right now? Seems weird that our charity could end up in Putin’s country. Heaping coals of fire??)
True to form norm, we had a deliciously delicious lunch. More like a dinner really. The Church School is just a few steps away from where we gather, so they come eat lunch with us. Along with any husbands whose work allows them to leave over lunch. Therefore, the almost dinner menu.
I decided this menu is going on my Christmas Menu Planner. It’s a simple, mostly do-ahead meal. We’ll be able to do all the fun stuff and still have yummy food.
Also adding it to my Family Recipe Album. This one is a keeper.
Church Ladies Lunch Menu
This is like a burrito bowl, where everything gets stacked and you eat it with homemade salsa and/or a green dressing.
Mmm. I want it again today…
We use Perfect Potluck to plan the menu. If you’ve never tried it for a group meal, I recommend it. Which app do you use and like?
Here’s our menu:
Pulled Pork Burrito Bowls
- Pioneer Woman Dr. Pepper Pulled Pork (in her second cookbook)
- Cilantro Lime Rice
- Black Beans
- Shredded Cabbage with lime juice and salt
- Chunked Avocado
- Shredded Cheese
- Fresh Salsa
- Cilantro Lime Dressing
- On The Border Tortilla Chips Cantina Thins
- Lime Wedges

This is one for the boards.
And if you can get my city DIL to make your salsa, you’ll know the Church Ladies eat in heavenly places.
Ooooh, sooooo goooood.
So good, I took pity on her when she came to me with crestfallen face, at a loss with the thick fabric she was sewing into a dress for cold barren Russia. I knew there was a woman in that country who needed that dress, so I sewed and ripped and sewed till I finally had it together. I wish I could put a note in the dress with my address, so she can tell me what else she might need. Some Paper Love from Kim+ink? With a little cash tucked in?
So, who knows, if you save this menu and try it later, you may be extending some Church Lady charity. Because you’ll think of us slaving over sewing machines for ladies in a cold, war-torn country and your heart might be stirred to pray. And our hearts will be uplifted, also, feeling the support. Love is a golden circle.