Best Kitchen Storage Ideas for Organized Cabinets
Here are our best kitchen storage ideas for organized cabinets.
Glass, plastic, name-brand or dollar store:
find amazing keepers of food you may or may not have thought of.
Back in this post we shared Pantry Labels that match our Personalized Recipe Albums.
We showed you some neat jar pictures then, which we don’t actually own,
but we planned to eventually show you our mix and match way of organizing our kitchen.
Because pretty labels aren’t just for fancy, name-brand jars.
They work for anything you choose to store your staples in.

Get the jars I wish I had here.
Best Kitchen Storage Ideas
I’m actually jonesy about cabinets filled with pretty storage containers.
Like a line up of clear glass jars from a certain famous Danish box store.
But that’s not how we roll.
(This isn’t supposed to happen, I know,
but telling you how we don’t roll sent me off on a tangent
reading an article about the Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin.
And by the way, people side-tracked by rabbit trails
have the Questioner tendency.)
So, the question you’re asking now is,
when do we meet the Storage Ideas?
Our most favorite kitchen storage idea ever
There was a time in our family history that we bought almost everything in bulk.
That’s when I attended all the Tupperware parties and got hooked on Modular Mates.
I ended up with a cabinet with a gorgeous line-up of all the different heights.
(Again, my Questioner tendency showed up there, as I could never make up my mind which color the lids should be. So the beauty was definitely adversely affected by that.)
We don’t buy in bulk anymore, but I still have one (partial) cabinet shelf with different flours, seeds and mixes


one drawer with the flip-top cannisters for flour, sugar, oatmeal and other dry staples.
(When we designed our kitchen, that specific drawer was made to fit the height of those cannisters.
Yes, Tupperware, I’m here, still waiting for acknowledgement.)
Our past favorite storage idea
was new vintage designed tin cans.
(And one very old one, which is a tea tin from my grandmother.)
In the 90s my kitchen was all Victorian (rose flowers in the wall tile) and forest green and vintage designed tin cans.
I stored everything in tin cans that didn’t stay in it’s original box.
I even had a spaghetti tin in a vintage design.
We thought it was great, because if stuff didn’t fit in the cabinet, it looked decorative on the counter.
Or in the midst of the mess of cooking, the tins upped the cuteness factor, open and spilling their contents.

Our favorite storage idea for today
is whatever works that looks okay.
I’m still too Questioner to have just one style,
so we mix modern farmhouse with funky junk with minimalist. With old and outdated to new and amazing.
And in the end,
we love it.
Because it’s home.