Best Bride-to-Groom Wedding Gift
The best gift a bride can give to her groom
on their wedding day is her love and trust.
We’re going to suggest that the next important gift is a Bible.
After we got engaged, (back in the last century!), I started planning the gifts I wanted to give my new husband.
Of course the wedding was a big thing on my mind, too, and since we lived 2000 miles apart, most of that planning fell on my family and I. The wedding was happening in my church, so naturally we planned the details of that part of the marriage.
My fiancé was generous. I knew that already by the sweet gifts and cards he sent during our engagement. I loved opening those large colorful envelopes, smiling, because 8 times out of 10, it would be a Ziggy card. Ziggy was super popular right then, and always brought a smile. And the thought that someone was thinking about me 2000 miles away made me feel special. I wonder if girls get that exact feeling these days, when the Ziggy type of messages come over the phone instead of in the mailbox? I imagine they do, because love is still love, isn’t it?
And I wanted to return that generosity in any way I could. The generosity that is one expression of love.

My Gift to My Groom on Our Wedding Day
One gift I knew I wanted to give was a Bible.
All of the brides I knew gave their husbands a personalized Bible as a wedding gift. And at that time, we chose Thompson Bibles. Today, the most popular Bibles are Cambridge.
The publishing company may have changed, but the message of the gift is the same. We knew our Christian husbands would appreciate this special Bible, even if it wasn’t the one they took to Church every Sunday.
The one I chose to give was large, more of a family Bible, which we read out of for our family devotions, and have since the beginning of our life together. It was a Thompson’s Chain Reference Bible, which has seen daily use, and is still in very good condition.
It sits open, ready, on a side table in our family room. I’ve watched my husband pick it up so often, and sit down to read in it. First he reads it for his own morning devotions while I make breakfast a few feet away, then he reads a short passage aloud and we pray together before the day’s work begins.
That’s what this “Bride to Groom Gift on their Wedding Day” means to me. It’s actually an investment in their future, a symbol of a life together with God.
Where to Get A Personalized Bible
I asked a few brides this summer if it was still the thing to give their husbands Bibles, and all of them said yes.
It gave me the best feeling to know this tradition continues.
Gospel Publishers out of Moundridge, Kansas, does wedding gift Bibles with great care and exquisite detail. The gold link takes you to the home page on their website, which has a nice big link to “Wedding Bibles” right there. They give you suggestions, and have a downloadable PDF to guide you through the ordering process. Their recommendations are based on what most brides end up buying for their new husbands.
And if that isn’t enough, you can call for more information and with any questions you have. The real voice that answers the phone is friendly and helpful, and will be able to steer you in the right direction.

The Recommended Wedding Gift Bibles
The bookstore has three main Bibles they recommend as Wedding Bibles:
The first one measures 4.5″ x 6.5″ x 1.25″ and is a nice size for carrying to Church. Price ranges from $220 to $230 at this writing.
The second and third ones measure 5.5″ x 8.25″ x 1.25″ and are more of a family size Bible. The second Bible prices $158 with a cover of calf split leather, and the third, which starts at $243, is fine goat-skin leather. They are both available with or without thumb indexes.
All of these Bibles are quality products, and you don’t have to be afraid they’ll look worn anytime soon.
Personalize the Bride to Groom Wedding Gift Bible
The bookstore personalizes the Bibles inhouse, and has several fonts to choose from:
Murray Hill, Announcement Roman, Goudy, and Park Avenue.
The font sizes are usually larger for the outside inscription, and a size or two smaller for the “from” imprint on the inside flyleaf.
The PDF download has suggestions for inscription wording, and also, photos of the fonts.
Illustrations are from
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Best Bride-to-Groom Wedding Gift