Back-To-School Teacher Gift Ideas and a Free Printable
Yes, it seems impossible, but it’s time to think about Back-To-School planning and we’re here to help! Add “Teacher Gift Ideas” to your list and your kid is halfway to being teacher’s pet.
We’ve got a collection of Pinterest ideas to combine with our “Back To School” Teacher Gift DIY Printables.
Or find more gift idea posts: for Secret Pals here, for neighbors here and for Valentine’s here.
These are some easy-peasy never-cheesy gifts you’ll have fun making with your eager student kids.
Back-To-School Teacher Gift-Card Envelope
- One of our Coffee Cup Teacher Gift Printables: Espresso, Latte or Sip Sip Hooray
- Scissors, glue, paper, color printer
- Gift Card from Teacher’s favorite coffee stop
- Purchase and download the printable.
- Print on heavy printer paper on a color printer. If you don’t have a color printer, take or send the Google file link to a commercial printers, like Office Depot. Ask them to print on 24# or higher paper.
- Pick up a gift card on the way home, then cut, glue and address the gift card envelope.
- Give it alone, or add it to one of the following DIY ideas.

This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. There is no extra cost for you.
Teacher’s Survival Basket
Every teacher has those days when they wonder if they’ll survive those 6 to 7 hours their classroom is populated with teaming, screaming kids. Someone gets a paper cut. Another falls off his chair and bangs his head on the desk leg. (What was he thinking, trying to pick his pencil up from the floor without bending his waist?) Another student erases through a test paper.
Teacher wants to cover her face with her hands and rock, or jump out a window and run.
If she/he has one of these to look forward to there might be hope to finish the day.
Supplies to gather:
- 10″ or 12″ flat bottom basket*
- Cute mug*
- Sample bags of specialty coffee
- Sweeteners and creamers if you know the teacher uses them
- Choice of goodies: crackers, deli sausage roll, cheese like Baby Bells; box with fresh Cinnabon or biscotti; granola bars or fresh cookies; etc.
- Food wrap* and pretty bow*
- Basket filler such as crinkle paper* or cloth napkin
- Printable card freebie with email sign up. Use this form and request “Teacher Back-To-School Gift Tags”
How to make it:
- Gather your supplies.
- Tuck into the basket in an artistic manner.
- Wrap with food wrap and tie up with a bow.
- Tuck the card into the bow.

Teacher’s First Responder Bucket
Instead of a food frenzy to look forward to, this bucket is more of an emergency kit to share when a classroom event comes up.
What you need:
- Tin bucket*
- Spiral Notebook*
- Pencils and/or pens
- Scotch tape
- Band-Aids, Antiseptic Salve…
- Rolaids, Breath Mints, Tylenol…
- Granola Bars (for the student who didn’t have breakfast)
- Personalized Water bottle*
- Printable card freebie with email sign up. Use this form and request “Teacher Back-To-School Gift Tags”
Simple directions:
- Gather your supplies.
- Tuck into the bucket in an artistic manner.
- Tie the card onto the bucket handle.

Spa Survival Kit
A teacher’s personal care survival kit to be used at home or school, wherever it’s needed most.
Kit Supplies:
- Basket
- Personalized exercise towel* and/or face cloth and/or scrubby
- Hand lotion/ face wash/ toner/ body wash/ hand-made soap**/ bath bombs**
- Refresher wipes
- Fancy drinking water like Evian
- Printable card freebie with email sign up. Use this form and request “Teacher Back-To-School Gift Tags”
Easy and Quick Directions:
- Gather your supplies.
- Tuck into the bucket in an artistic manner.
- Tie the card onto the bucket handle.

Mason Jar Hygge Kit
Mason jars always conjure “Home Sweet Home.” Teachers will succumb to the warm, fuzzy feelings, too.
Plan ingredients for your mason jar survival kit that will compliment a coffee gift card. We chose Raisin Almond Chocolate Chip Granola Mix. Teacher can eat it as a Trail Mix or as cereal with milk. And a cup of coffee, of course!
Gather these Supplies:
- Mason jar*
- Cookie Mix, Soup Mix or Chocolates like these Mason Jar Recipes from this post.
- Fabric or Paper Napkin Circle and Baker’s Twine*
- Printable card freebie with email sign up. Use this form and request “Teacher Back-To-School Gift Tags”
- OR: We used a coffee themed gift card envelope. Purchase them here: Espresso, Latte or Sip Sip Hooray
How to Directions:
- Gather your supplies.
- Layer your chosen recipe into the jar.
- Cut a fabric or paper napkin (in our case) circle to wrap the top of the jar. Our circle has about a 9″ diameter. Tie with baker’s twine*.
- Print and cut out the Gift Card Envelope.
- This is the back of the envelope, showing the folds.
- Add the gift card, and glue the flap shut. You’re ready to tie it onto your gift jar. We punched a hole through the envelope and threaded one end of the bow string through. Then we tied a knot right near the punched hole so the card wouldn’t slip off.

You’ll want this posted to your School/Teacher Pinterest Boards
when you need Back-To-School Teacher Gift Ideas.
Follow our Back-To-School Pinterest Board here.