10 Unusual, Invaluable Baby Shower Gifts She Won’t Know She Needs
Most expectant moms fill a gift registry with the baby stuff they need. Here’s our list of unusual yet invaluable Baby Shower Gifts she may not even know she needs.
This first idea comes straight from my sister and my own baby shower (almost 40 years ago):
1. Memory Baby Shower Gifts
My sister gave me a special gift at my baby shower. I had no idea she even had this memento from my past.
It was a white flannel receiving blanket that my grandmother made when I was born.
I know. Can you even?
And not only was it handmade, it has a shell edging hand crocheted all around it.
When my sister gave me the blanket it had been used for seven babies. Three of my siblings, plus my sister’s three. I could have used it for my boy. It is in really good shape even today.
But I couldn’t. I used it as décor in the nursery, and now it’s in that special box of baby mementos.
I gave it to my son’s wife on their baby shower. But she gave it back. She knew it meant more to me than to them.
Maybe one of my granddaughters will want it…
2. Baby’s First Year Memory Calendar

You know that gorgeous Baby Album you picked out?
Yeah, the beautiful book that looks so awesome on the table beside the rocking chair. The lamp is on, the room is cozy, you’re nestling and rocking baby, and…
The album draws your eyes, and you admire it once again.
And your heart sinks.
Has it really been six weeks since you opened it last?
How could you forget, and miss recording all the precious moments for the future!
Because you got a Baby’s Firsts Calendar for your shower, with stickers all ready to peel and stick. First smile. First coo. That gooey green first dirty diaper.
You’ve got this. Placing a sticker on a memory calendar only takes a minute.
3. Egermeier’s Bible Story Book*

The benefits of reading to babies is well documented.
Some mommies-to-be read to baby before he/she is born. This may not make baby an Einstein, but it will help bond. Baby can hear long before birth, so talking and reading is a mindful way to bring your hearts together.
You’re likely to get many cute books for baby’s bookshelf, and they all have value.
But the one you may not think of putting on the registry is Egermeiers.
If you have Egermeiers, you have a Great Book. It is the Bible in readable, chronological form, and no child is too young to hear The Story.
4. Hospital Survival Kit*

Yes, the nurses do a great job of taking care of every new moms’ need, and mom herself has put some thought into what to take along to the hospital when baby is born. She has probably thought of everything her new little one will need, but has she thought of herself? This is where you can help.
We have a list of potential items that could make a difference in the quality of a hospital stay.
- First item could be a big tote bag or plastic gift bag, which will come in handy to bring home all the stuff new moms acquire in the hospital. Lots of paperwork being one of them.
- Include items in this bag that will spoil the new mom. Cute No-skid socks* for walks down the hall, comfortable, but easy to slip into.
- Parenting Magazines or a link to our Baby Posts.
- Munchies like granola bars or trail mix or her favorites if you know them.
- Luxury lotion. Stay away from strong scents, though, in case of sensory issues or allergies.
- A nice smelling body wash and lux washcloth. Perhaps even a nice bath towel.
- Earplugs and an eye mask, so mom can sleep while the usual hospital din goes on.
Have fun with this one. Add some off the wall items just for a laugh or two. She might need her spirits lifted at times, like in the middle of the night and baby won’t stay awake to eat.
5. Baby Safe Essential Oils and Diffuser*

Essential oils are, well, essential to life, and can be a real help with children. Even newborns can benefit from the healing and calming properties of essential oils. Diffusing Gentle Blend* in baby’s room for thirty minutes while rocking or nursing will bring moments of peace to mom and baby both.
First of all, for babies especially, make sure you buy pure oils and not cheaply made copies that may contain harmful elements. Roman chamomile, tea tree oil, and frankincense, safely diluted, are safe for babies. Eucalyptus and wintergreen are a no-no until baby is older.
In the correct dilution, a diffuser near the baby’s bed can add humidity and the benefits of the oil you choose while baby sleeps. Along with this gift, give mommy a guide to safely using the oils. Young Living blog has helpful articles outlining dilutions and safe use. Mommy-to-be may not be familiar with the benefits of oils, and gifting her with a diffuser* and a baby-safe oil blend* can be a real help.
6. Prayers and Peanut Butter*

There are a lot of good books available to help mommies get through life-with-children, but this is one of the best. Humorous, serious, practical… it’s a great but unusual addition to the collection of baby shower gifts. The reading mommy-to-be has been collecting so far is probably the basic stuff about how to bath baby during her first week, or how to mix formula, or the safest crib to buy for a newborn.
This book is not going to help with that. It will help with diffusing a tough moment when baby is impossible, or you don’t know if you’ll make it through the crying night. Barbara Classen has been there, and it shows in her writing: “Every mother wants to have her act together. . . . We want to breeze through our work and never have peanut butter on the carpet and still have time left over to play with the baby. We mean to have tempting meals ready each evening—on time, perfectly seasoned, never burnt.” You can find the book here.
7. Frozen Meals
Some people are good at this. Planning, cooking, freezing and delivering delicious meals. If you’re one of these, wrap a pretty box to take to the baby shower, with as many menu cards inside as you choose to gift the family.
She will jump up on the spot and give you a huge hug.
Because, when you have a new baby, cooking is way, way down on the list of important things to do. And this will save them from unhealthy supermarket dinners or fast food.
8. Baby Shower Gift Certificates
If you’re not the kind of person who loves to cook, freeze and deliver, then wrapping gift certificates to supermarkets and restaurants can be just as helpful.
Most supermarkets have free grocery pickup, so include the numbers and addresses of the stores you give certificates to, and she can have Daddy pick up her order on the way home from work.
This one will get you a huge hug also. At least, it sure would from me!
9. Clear Vinyl Shower Curtain*

Because mom won’t want to take her eyes off her precious bundle for a single minute.
Mom installs the temporary see-through shower curtain and plants baby beside the shower in her bouncer. That way showering can turn into a spa-long luxury with no worries about baby, because mom can see the little one right through the curtain at all times.
Along with the curtain, you can include luxury bath items, and also toys for the baby.
10. Baby DeeDee Sleep Nest*

BabyDeeDee.com has taken sleeping to a whole new level. Moms claim that the ritual of slipping baby into the nest at bedtime establishes a routine, and babies learn to know that when the nest comes on, it’s time to go to sleep.
Bedtime can be a huge hassle sometimes, when baby and mommy don’t have the same internal clocks. So starting a ritual that helps with this would be a huge plus.
Baby nests are available in the cozy winter one shown, and a light summer style.
The blanket that can’t get away.
Surprise and please the new mommy-to-be
with one of these unusual Baby Shower gifts!
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