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  1. Cindy Koehn says:

    Hi Dorothy and Kim, today I was excited to read about your new business, Kim. We work in the food industry and find it rewarding to share “home goodness ” to those who appreciate a comforting meal. Food draws people together. Everyday I see people quietly start their meal with a table full of others, but by the time they are enjoying a dessert, they are smiling and laughing. We were at Jill Litwiller’s wedding last Sunday.( Andree’s grand daughter). We enjoyed delicious food all the time we were together! Even tho Andree is not strong enough right now to do much cooking, she has passed the virtue on to her children.
    Kim, there are going to be days when you get TIRED and you may wonder if it is worth the work. After we had been in business 2 years, I sat down with our minister(who also happened to be our host at the restaurant), and told him that if I did what I felt, I would quit! I knew it is not a good idea to make a decision when you are tired, so I told him I would trust his judgement more than mine. He thought awhile then said, “I think you have a good thing going, just hang one. I looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Ok, I will if you think I should…” that was a point of surrender in my life that I treasure. So often we can’t see past our immediate feelings. That is when we must pray that others will have direction and that we will have the humility to follow… I am wishing you many blessings in your new venture!

    1. Thanks, Cindy, for the encouraging words; they mean a lot to us. We enjoy making the casseroles for others, but it does get hectic sometimes. We need your advice on how to purchase ingredients! And of course, we know you could finesse these sauces to be so much more awesome. But we are the easy gourmet cooks, so we have to keep it simple.
      Wishing you the best there at your fine eatery…

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