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    1. Thank you, Sydney. And thanks for having the linky party. I loved the challenge of doing something to fit with our blog interest (paper), and our location (desert).

  1. What an amazing project! Love how you created succulents out of paper. So creative!

    1. It was a very rewarding project. You know, they don’t all turn out the way we envision. Or maybe yours do!

    1. Thanks, Marie. It was fun to design. I need to make more to perfect what I started.

  2. This is such a gorgeous wreath! I love succulents but can never keep them alive, now I don’t have to – yay!

    1. I know, I’m the same way. Can’t keep them alive in the house. Those in our yard, with irrigation, do fine. Guess the real ones will stay out there so I don’t kill anymore.

  3. Holy cow! This is seriously amazing! So beautiful!! The details are so life like! Great job!


    1. Thanks, Karin. It was a fun wreath to make!

  4. 5 stars
    I love all the varieties you used. So realistic! The aeonium is my favorite.

    1. Thank you. I think aeonium is my favorite, too. How should I have dressed up the hoop part?

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