Amazing Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Tenders, the Perfect Fall Comfort Food
This amazing Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Tenders recipe
is going to go at the top of your list of fall comfort foods!
It really is that amazing.
It tastes amazing.
It’s amazingly simple to prepare.
And it looks amazing as a comfort food.
It’s not going to look all fancy and gourmet. You bake it in a 9″x13″ casserole pan, so it’s a down-home hot-meal-for-the-harvesters kind of food.
One more amazing fact: It is totally transportable, for taking to potluck dinners at church or to the field for supper on the wheat stubble.
We didn’t take it to a potluck. We were feeding a family who came here to find medical help. Unfortunately, the young mother, who is the patient, took a turn for the worse and can’t even go back to their home state now. That is bringing family members from all over to be with her one last time. It is so very sad for them all, and so our church ladies have been bringing them suppers and breakfast casseroles.
My sister-in-law and I shared the meal prep for this one, and this was our menu:
Amazing Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenders Menu
Shopping List for Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenders
For One 9″ x 13″ Casserole
18 chicken tenders
9 strips of bacon
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
16 oz. sour cream
8 oz. cream cheese
Prep Instructions:
- Season the chicken tenders with your favorite dry seasonings, salt and pepper being the most common.
- Cut the bacon strips in half and wrap each half around a chicken tender in a swirl pattern. Secure the ends with a toothpick. Hint: If you don’t like all the grease, precook the bacon a little before wrapping.
- Place in casserole.
- Mix the cream soup, sour cream and cream cheese in a microwave safe bowl and heat and whisk until the sauce is smooth. Pour the sauce over the chicken tenders.
- Bake at 250 or 300 for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
- Serve over fluffy baked white rice.
Quick and easy hint: Cut up the tenders and bacon and toss into the casserole. Not as pretty, but tastes the same.
This Dish was definitely a hit.
The adults loved it,
and the teens and school boys
ate until the rice was gone.
We hope you’ll try this recipe, and let us know what you think about it. Is it comfort food worthy? Up there with chicken noodle soup and chili soup and all those wonderful colder weather foods?
And if you tweaked it to make it better, we’d like to hear about that, too.
Happy Cooking!
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