And All Came To Pass As God Promised
And all came to pass as God promised. No words bring more comfort when life goes sideways. Let it go; be at rest. God has you in even the smallest of ways.
This week a thing happened.
And caused us to realize
once more
God’s fine timing and the absolute truth of His promises.
That God’s promises will come to pass. In His perfect time.
So many little “coincidences” happened this week that we ultimately concluded were actually “God Incidences.”

God Promised Rest
and all came to pass as He promised.
My husband had one living uncle, until last week. Then, at 90 years of age, what we consider a long and fulfilling time on this earth, God called him home to rest.
In consideration of the passing of this generation and past association with his cousins, we made plans to attend the funeral.
However, the logistics of a trip to Kansas from Arizona are challenging. Flying is our preferred choice, but either the prices burned us or, if we chose the economy flights, we ended up with an extra day in Kansas.
And what does one do with an extra day in Kansas???
We chose the extra day instead of flying economy on first class prices.
Except, God had other plans. He knew something we didn’t when He prompted us to pick the extra day.
Just hours after we purchased the tickets, the news came that my husband’s first cousin passed away. This took care of our “extra” day. And gave us precious family time with another set of cousins.
Many years had passed since our last face-to-face with most of these relatives. We couldn’t have planned a reunion on this earth better than the time God chose for us.
Not only did God give rest from the physical suffering for these two relatives, but He made an amazing opportunity for us to have rewarding reunions with both sides of my husband’s family. Reunions that at our age are a rarity, and may not happen with many of these again on this earth.
So we know that, while God wants to give us Heavenly rest, He also loves to give His earth families good times and memories to keep us family-strong.

All Came To Pass As God Promised
Daily life leaves us burdened, fractionated and fatalistic in turns. We become exhausted and long for tranquility and renewal.
When you yearn for the fulfilment of God’s promises, imagine lush green pastures where your soul finds peace, like a shepherd gently tending to his flock. (Psalm 23:2) He will guide you to still waters that refresh and revitalize, washing away every worry and fear. (Psalm 4:8)
This rest is not just for the afterlife. It’s a daily refuge you can access even amidst life’s storms. When you trust in His timing and just surrender all, you’ll find an inner calm that transcends understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7)
But God’s rewards aren’t limited to peace. He promises joy unspeakable (1 Peter 1:8), unforeseen blessings beyond your wildest dreams (Jeremiah 33:3), and a place in His eternal kingdom where all tears will be wiped away (Revelation 21:4).
So let go, weary one. Rest in the arms of the One who loves you most. He will carry you through, grant you rest, and shower you with His amazing rewards.

Never forget God’s amazing promises.
They will not return to Him void.
They will accomplish what He means to accomplish.
And if those to whom He gave His promises accept them and live them,
they shall prosper.