Adventure Forest Nursery Printable: Climb Mountains Little One
Your child is never too young to get the positive message that “you will climb mountains little one.” Download this encouraging Adventure Forest Nursery Printable for your baby’s room.
“Can you lift this for me with your strong muscles?”
She flexes her arms. “No. I don’t have strong muscles.”
Well, that backfired. She was totally satisfied with her lack of muscles.
Although I’m not sure she knows what muscles are. She’s only 4, and lives with 3 girls in the house. Not much talk of muscles and buffing up.
However, when my boys were little that line got great results. (Note: Joking aside, I didn’t use it as a “line” to get them to do what I wanted. I sincerely wanted them to believe in themselves.)
They even vacuumed for me, using their “strong muscles” to push the vacuum cleaner for me, or empty the dishwasher.
If it involved muscles, it was okay work for boys to do. My boys got the message that they could do anything, and nothing was beyond their efforts. Well, until they got older and began to get messages from their peers and unthinking adults.
Other people have immense power over our children as they get older, so we have to make sure we get our positive messages to them when they are young. They need a strong base from parents before they have to go out into the world. The power of your influence diminishes when they start spending time outside of your loving home, absorbing all the bad vibes you’ve tried to protect them from.
Wall words and encouraging printables
can help get positive messages across to your children. Even though your baby can’t read yet. When you take the time to decorate your child’s room, and remind them often with your words what the décor says and means, they will feel they are important to you.
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
and when you walk by the way,
and when you lie down,
and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6,7
This Bible scripture refers to teaching your children about God, over and over again. However, all positive teaching should be repeated over and over. When any of us look back on our childhoods, we tend to remember the negative things that happened to us. But if our parents did their job diligently, those positive lessons will be able to douse the negative memories.
And that is the important part. The positive words and teaching must be done diligently, with sincerity. My opening sentences show total insincerity, as if I was trying to use my granddaughter. So she was smarter than I was, just saying she didn’t have muscles. She knew I was joking with her. If a four year old can discern that, you know you have to start “teaching them diligently” when they are very young.
How to download the Adventure Forest Nursery Printable
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