About Us

Our Why
We have several reasons we like to play with paper.
The most important reason is YOU. You and all the other lovely people on this planet who need elegant, handmade stationery, business cards, logo designs, and more.
We’re makers and we love it.
My friend was starting a bake shop. She mentioned business cards so I inundated her with ideas and colors and fonts. She came over to brainstorm a design. Our payment? Who would argue with a swap of 3 dozen of the most delicious cinnamon rolls in the history of ever in exchange for designing a business card?
How did we come to have a stationery business? We are a daughter (Kim) and mother (Dorothy) team. We both love to create and work with words and paper.
As an adult, Kim was diagnosed with high functioning autism. All through school and choosing jobs she didn’t have a name for the “thing” that kept her from fully enjoying and engaging in life. She created two businesses, worked for a national company, and helped her father in his yardscaping business. However, eventually, every public job grew too stressful.
So together we created our handmade stationery shop specializing in Baby Stationery and Keepsake Products, Brides and Bridal Showers and Bespoke Items for Home or Business. And a blog with myriad craft tutorials and inspirations about life as we love it.