The Spirit of Christmas: The Story of Princess Cheek
The Spirit of Christmas: The Story of Princess Cheek.
Good old-fashioned storytelling, reminiscent of Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories.
In our family, we heard the Uncle Arthur’s stories so often we could still tell some of them by memory.
Like the story of a poor little boy who chose a doll when he was told to pick a toy from under a Christmas Tree.
He wanted the red fire truck. Soooo badly.
But he saw the doll, and knew he had to pick that. Even though the other kids laughed and pointed and called him sissy, he proudly carried that doll home.
Because, you see, he had a little sister at home, who was sick and couldn’t come to the Christmas party. A sister who didn’t have a doll.
And you can guess the rest, because if I try to tell it, I’ll cry. I’m just that way about heart-tugging stories.

The Spirit of Christmas: a Modern Day Uncle Arthur’s Story
Lately, I heard a similar heart-tugging story. And, yes, I have a lump in my throat writing about it.
The old-fashioned bedtime stories are true, and our g’littles love them.
But they happened so long ago.
This story happened this Christmas. I first read about it as told by the mother. Then I found out who Little Plain Jane was, and it really tugged at me.
This story is about a little girl who also wanted a doll.
Or rather, a mother who wanted to get her girl a doll. A special doll. For a special girl.
Mother didn’t bother to search regular stores, doubting she’d find the doll she wanted. She’d find someone to make the doll. She looked for just the right doll maker.
The doll-maker looked at the picture of the little girl, and memorized her special face.
Then she went to work.
She cut and stitched and put together the best doll ever.
The mother loved the doll immediately, and was too excited to wait till Christmas to give it to her little girl.
She wrapped the doll up and let her daughter open it the very day it came in the mail. And then, she said, the little girl fell in love at first sight, giggled, and hugged it close. From then on, the girl took the special doll with her wherever she went. She would not be parted with it.
She named her doll:
“Princess Cheek”

Isn’t this the most adorable doll ever? Did you see her face? Sigh…
This is what the little girl’s mother wrote (for anonymity, I changed the child’s name):
Princess Cheek
As Cassie’s mom, I have always been outspoken about her facial defect (infantile hemangioma), and advocated for acceptance and awareness. Up until very recently, Cassie has been blissfully unaware that she has an extra feature which makes her unique. I contacted a small shop owner who makes heirloom quality dolls. Not only did she agree to make a custom doll for Cassie, she offered it as a a gift, no strings attached. She asked for a photo of Cassie’s face and some other preferences, such as hair, clothes, and shoes. When she finished, I could not believe how detailed the doll’s birthmark was, and how much it looked exactly like Cassie!
I had planned on giving her to Cassie at Christmas, but I could not wait. When I gave the doll to Cassie, her eyes lit up – she immediately touched her cheek and smiled. Now, Cassie has a baby doll that looks JUST like her, thanks to Little Plain Jane! The time and care this shop took to make the birthmark identical to Cassie’s leaves me speechless. Cassie hasn’t put the doll down since I gave it to her; and named her (all by herself): Princess Cheek. This is the most wonderful gift we could have received this Christmas. This little girl has never been happier.
Little Plain Jane gave permission to show you a picture of the doll along with the story. (Update: 2024. Sadly, Little Plain Jane seems to have quit creating dolls.)
This is the genuine Christmas Spirit!
…and this is the Christmas Spirit I want to take into the New Year.
I want the kind of love that fulfills a request, then goes above and beyond. This is a true “Be”-Attitude at its best.
In this New Year, let’s all aspire to have this spirit that takes loving and giving to a whole new level.