3 Ways to Pamper the Diva in Your Husband
Are there more than 3 Ways to Pamper the Diva in Your Husband?
Of course there are. But when you have a husband who pampers you a lot, you have to really dig deep to come up with ideas on how to spoil your man.
Okay, when is a man a diva? Is there even such a thing? (And I do not want to hear the word “narcissistic” because a man has every right to want a few luxuries without negative labels.) Besides, all our favorite heroes in books, and even the Bible, have a bit of diva in them.
Some had too much, like Nabal. Who is no one’s hero. When Abigail heard how her husband treated David she immediately stepped in to mend the situation. 1 Samuel 25:2-42 At that point in the story she had no idea how things would turn out, so we can’t accuse her of trying to entice David in that instance. She was truly doing what she thought a faithful wife should do.
That’s a hard one, isn’t it? To make things right for our husbands when they commit a faux pas. On purpose or not.
But my ideas for pampering the diva in your husband are much simpler than that. They are ways that probably won’t even make you hesitate, because they’re kind of, well, simple. They’re meant to make us think about the idea, I suppose.
3 Important Ways to Pamper a Husband (because every man deep down? He’s got a little diva.)
Spa night? Of course not. But here are 3 things my husband appreciates. (And yours may, too.)
(Be sure to pin this to your Marriage Board, for future reference. Like when you’re married 30 years and you begin to take each other for granted.)

1. Buy towels for your shared shower in odd numbers.
Like, three, five, etc. At our house, when my husband wants a new, luxuriously soft towel, I’m beginning to appreciate that it’s not all fluffy and clumsy to handle. I like scratchy towels. They invigorate the skin, and make you feel as if you’re actually dry. No, I don’t put fabric softener in my towels, but fluffy towels just do that.
So, he’s ready for a new one, and I’m just starting to like mine. If you bought 3, or 5, depending on how long you want the exact same color of towels in your bath, he can take a new, fluffy one while you happily scrape your skin.
How does this apply in the big picture for a bride? I would say, “notice what your husband prefers, so you can pamper him in little ways.”

2. If he leaves for work while you stay home to work, go to the door and give him a proper good-bye.
My parents-in-law took that a step further. No matter who was in the room with them, when my FIL came home from anywhere, he found my MIL wherever she was and gave her a kiss. Sometimes it was even a little embarrassing. You know, smoochy sounds you could hear even when you tried hard not to notice. That’s okay if it’s newlyweds, but your parents-in-law? Double standards. Many people told me they loved how my PILs held hands whenever they walked together. Fine. But when I was young I didn’t appreciate the beauty.
Now I’m older than they were when they were alive to do this stuff, and I think it’s great. But I’ll stick with going to the door, or a private place, to smooch my hubby. Because that’s what he prefers.
The big picture: “Never let a day go by without letting him know you love and appreciate him.” And give details in words sometimes, of what it is you love and appreciate. If you’re shy as a newlywed, write him a note. That’s how I was. I doubt there’s anyone alive today who would be as shy as I was with a new husband.

3. Look at him. Really, look at him.
Does it ever feel as if you can go days without really noticing what your husband actually looks like? Is he wincing when he gets up from his chair? Is he limping? Does he have a splinter in his hand?
The kids come first, I realize that. But every man needs a wife to notice his owies and acknowledge them. Every husband needs a head massage once in awhile. (Ooh, that feels soooo good.) Or even a hand massage.
Big picture: If you get blasé about the little hurts he carries, you might begin to miss the big, inside ones. And that could be disastrous.