3 Fun Backpack VBS Attendance Incentive Ideas
It’s Vacation Bible School time, and all teachers love fun attendance incentive ideas, right?
We’ve got a quick and easy one for you today:
Back Packs full of goodies every kid loves!
Get reasonably priced backpacks in bulk, then personalize them with each of your student’s names.
Everyday the student attends Bible School, you add another prize to the bag.
And then,
at the end of Bible School,
they get to take it all home!
Isn’t that the neatest idea ever?
This idea came from a wonderful person on a private VBS chat: Thanks, friend! Lots of teachers will thank you when they see this idea.
Here’s what you need:
Safari Backpack VBS Attendance Incentive Idea
- Back packs, sold in sets of 6*
- Butterfly nets*
- Flashlights*
- Safari hats*
- Water bottles*
- Travel journals*
- Pencils
- Stuffed animals
- Granola bars
- Binoculars*

Woodland Animal Backpack VBS Attendance Incentive Idea
- Back packs, sold in sets of 6*
- Butterfly nets*
- Fishing pole*
- Water bottle*
- Granola bars
- Rain poncho*
- Binoculars*
- Travel journal*
- Pen or pencil

Farm Backpack VBS Attendance Incentive Idea
- Back packs, sold in sets of 6*
- Water bottle*
- Stuffed farm animals
- Mini farm animals*
- Bird house*
- Garden tools*
- Tin “feed” bucket*
- Toy farm equipment*

Just in case this is your first rodeo as a VBS teacher, here’s some
Helpful Hints
- Use a permanent marker to personalize the bags.
- You might find backpack filler items at dollar stores for more reasonable prices than our links.
- Don’t write the names on the backpacks until the last day of Bible School, in case you have students that don’t come back after the first or second day. Save the pack for that child who starts half way through, then stays the course.
- If you buy sets like the mini farm equipment, divide them up between the children. (Which may not work if your students insist on having exactly the same as each other. Many won’t care.)
- Or buy one set per child, and give one piece of the set per day, the same pieces for each on the same day.
Does this sound like fun?
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Plot Your Course to Survive VBS
and check out our
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We’d love to hear how you make these ideas your own.
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