Fluff Your Stuff: House-Guest Welcome Basket How-To
It’s time to fluff your stuff: you have company coming! Try our ideas for a House-Guest Welcome Basket How-To, and add your own special touches to pamper them.
It’s always fun getting ready for house guests.
(Well, except for the deep cleaning part that has to happen first.)
But, whew, sigh of relief, when that’s done, and you’re ready to fluff the stuff.
You know how you’re visiting family or friends and you maybe don’t know your way around the house very well and you wake up at night so hungry because the time change is messing with your routine?
That’s when you can’t thank your hosts enough for having an emergency basket of goodies all ready for their guest.
With guests coming to our house soon, it’s time to think of getting some of these around.

Collect some fun containers. For my “grandma” guest room I have a vintage avocado green train case that I fill with little guest goodies at the last minute. The “beach” guest room has a rustic wooden box with chippy paint that fills the bill. The “barn loft” guest area gets something different every time.
This time around it’s a large chipped ceramic bowl that my mother-in-law used to mix yeast dough. Mmm. Brings back memories, of that bubbly goodness-about-to-happen rising up above the top of the bowl, dripping down the side under the cotton tea towel used to keep the breezes from spoiling the proofing.
House-Guest Welcome Basket How-To
Our research turned up these luxurious ideas to add to a Welcome Basket to pamper your house-guests:
- Magazine(s)
- Beverage (bottle of water)
- Coffee or Tea
- Chocolate / Sweet Treat
- Nuts / Salty Snack
- Mints
- Socks / Slipper Socks
- Foot Lotion
- Lip Balm
- Lotion
- Face Cleansing Cloths
- Bath Products (don’t forget the men!)
- For Kids: toothbrush/toothpaste kit, bath crayons or bubble bath, juice box, fruit snacks, nightlight)
Barn Loft House Guest Bowl

It’s always fun roaming the aisles at the grocery/department store looking for stuff like this. Guilt-free spending on junk food, right? Look for healthy options, but still yummy and snackable.
This time around I came up with this list.
- Microwave “light” popcorn
- Variety of teas
- Bottles of water
- Sports drinks
- Little boxes of yogurt raisins
- Mini granola bars
- Turtle Chex Mix, because I happen to know my sister loves this choice.
- Oranges from our tree
This is mostly a snack/tide-you-over-till-the-next-meal type of basket. They have their meals with us in the house, or at restaurants. Our day trips with them will take care of some meals, too.
The barn loft kitchenette has a coffee maker and basic drink supplies like coffee, sugar and creamer. The little fridge will have easy breakfast stuff if they decide they want to have that meal up there. So this basket is mostly to pamper them, and make them feel welcome.
Guest Welcome Sign
Set up a Welcome Sign for your guests to make them feel at home.
If you have internet service available for their use, share the password on a sign like this. Or create a card with your QR code for them to scan so they can easily get signed in. For some reason, connecting your friends and family to your network by telling them which network it is and saying the password aloud, rarely works smoothly. With a WiFi QR Code, you can simply show the Code and have them scan it to connect to the network.
How To Create a QR Code Card:
A QR Code is safer than publicly sharing your passwords and sign-in info. You can easily create a code with a QR Generator like on this website.
Then save the QR Code to your documents and print it out on a card. Then place the card in the Welcome Basket and your guests will think it’s the finishing touch. (Who likes asking a host to share their internet password? It’s so much easier if you provide it, letting them know they’re welcome to use it.)

What are some of the secret tips you use to get ready for guests?
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Hi! I dont have your number since my old phone got wet
…but i like your train case idea and i even had one but guess what…it burned with the shop/lodge:(. And your welcome poem is exactly what i have in my guest room! kandace