12 Classroom Valentine Projects for Unique, Creative Fun
12 Classroom Valentine Projects
for unique, creative art-time fun.
Ideas for every age,
and some any age will love making together,
even Mom.
We have a couple of projects right here on the blog to add to the 12 on our list.
Parents Valentine Keepsake Craft
is always a popular choice. Follow the link to the post to get the background printable, or use your own white art paper.
12 Classroom Valentine Projects
We picked out 12 projects from around the web that look like fun,
but are simple and fast.
Most only need 2 or 3 ingredients you probably have on hand.
Click the titles for the links to the tutorials for each project.
1. Magic Milk Experiment
All you need to create this scientific reaction is:
- Heart shaped cake pan
- Whole milk (the higher the milk fat the better)
- Red liquid food coloring
- Cotton ball
- Liquid dish soap
Pour a layer of milk in the heart shaped cake pan, about 1/4″ deep.
Drip about 7 drops of food coloring in the milk around the edge of the pan, and about 3 in the middle.
Soak the cotton ball in dish soap, then drop it into the center of the pan.
Now watch what happens with the food coloring, as the fat in the milk is drawn to the dish soap.
The milk will look like a poured art heart!
2. Heart Skittles Experiment
- Skittles
- warm water
- slightly curved dish
As shown in the tutorial on the website, line up different colored skittles in a heart shape on a slightly curved plate.
Slowly pour warm water in the middle of the heart till the water barely reaches past the skittles. The curve of the plate will cause the skittles to melt into the middle. However, as the candy melts, the colors will remain separate, and end up like a rainbow heart. Follow the link in the title to read the full instructions.
3. Heart Suncatchers
What you need:
- Wax paper and newspaper
- Old crayons, broken okay
- Pencil sharpener
- Clothes iron
- Black or Red Construction Paper
- Scissors, glue, permanent marker, string or ribbon for hanging.
Cut 2 hearts out of construction paper, then cut out the centers of the hearts, creating a 1″ frame.
Use the heart you cut from the inside of the heart, then, with permanent marker, draw a heart on a piece of wax paper at least 1/4″ larger than the heart.
Protect your work surface with layers of newspaper, then the wax paper with the heart drawing.
Peel crayons. Use the pencil sharpener to create crayon shavings on the wax paper. Fill the heart with a thin layer of crayon shavings.
Place another layer of wax paper over the crayon shavings, then iron until the wax paper sheets are melted together and the crayon shavings are melted into a thin layer. Let the heart cool.
When the heart is cool, cut the heart shape, then glue between the two construction paper frames. Don’t forget to glue the hanger ribbon or string between the two frames.
Find the complete tutorial with lots of pictures by clicking the link in the title.↑
4. Heart Stamping
This art is suitable for pre-school children or school age.
Super simple, but there’s a lot of variations you can do with the heart stamp.
What you need:
- Cardboard tube from empty roll of toilet tissue
- Red stamp pad
- Tape, white paper, or color of choice.
Bend the tube into a heart shape, then tape around it so it keeps the heart shape.
Pat the heart shape onto the stamp pad, then transfer to the project paper.
Do random hearts, or create a pattern.
5. Shaving Cream Hearts
What you need:
- Shaving cream
- 2 or 3 shades of red craft paint
- white paper
- foil cake pan larger than paper
- metal spatula, such as a frosting spreader
- wax paper
Spray a layer of shaving cream in the foil pan.
Drizzle paints over shaving cream in designs or lines.
Lay paper over paint on shaving cream layer. Press down so all the paper gets some paint and shaving cream on it.
Carefully pick up the paper and transfer, cream and paint side up, onto the wax paper. Scrape off the shaving cream with the spatula.
Let the papers dry, then cut into heart shapes. The paper will have lovely swirled designs on it.
6. Pencil Heart Stamp Art
What you need:
- Pencil
- Heart shaped piece of cardstock
- White paper (the tutorial is done on a tote bag.)
- Red paint
- Paper plate
Pour some paint into a paper plate.
Position the heart shape on the white art paper. Dip the pencil eraser in the paint, then pat dots all around the heart shape. Place dots tightly close to the heart, and fade out the dots farther out.
7. Heart Puzzle Wreath
What you need:
- Empty cereal box
- Scissors, glue
- 3 or 4 shades of pink and red craft paint
- Old puzzle
- Newspaper, paper plate, paint brush
Place little puddles of paint around the paper plate.
Spread the puzzle pieces on newspaper to protect your work surface, then paint all the pieces. You many need to paint them twice. Let dry as you prepare the wreath.
Cut one large side out of the cereal box.
Make a heart pattern by folding a piece of newspaper in half and cutting a heart shape.
Trace onto the brown side of the cereal box piece. Cut about an inch off all around the newspaper heart pattern, then trace this “frame” onto the cereal box. Cut out the cardboard wreath.
Glue the puzzle pieces onto the frame, stacking and gluing until it’s all covered.
Make a banner out of white paper if desired.
Be sure to click the title to go to the tutorial for more instructions and pictures.
8. Heart Mobile
- White art card to make 16 hearts
- Red markers, finger paint or watercolor paint
- String
- 2 chopsticks
Paint the art card with random designs. Let dry. Cut 16 equal sized heart shapes.
Tape a piece of string to the back of a heart. Glue another heart, right side up, on the first heart, securing the string.
Do this with all 8 hearts.
Tie 2 hearts to each end of each chopstick, varying the lengths of the string.
Attach the chopsticks together by wrapping with string where they cross over, then tie a hanging string to the center.
9. Stapled Paper Heart Wreath
- Construction paper in shades of red
- Scissors, stapler, ruler, pencil
Cut a small and large heart pattern out of scrap paper. These will be guides, not part of the completed project.
Mark and cut construction papers in 3/4″ strips. Shape the strips into hearts, using the small heart pattern as a size guide. Fold crisply at the top and bottom of the heart so they keep their shape.
Lay the hearts all around the edges of the large heart pattern, then staple to each other.
Follow the link in the title to see pictures and directions, as we were not able to copy the images.
10. Valentine Spinner Art
What you need:
- Salad spinner
- Tempera paint
- Cardstock paper, cut into heart shapes
- Plastic squeeze bottles
- Glitter, your choice of colors
Note: Be sure to use tempura paint so you don’t ruin your salad spinner.
Place paint into squeeze bottles. Put a heart in the spinner, and drizzle paints on. Close the spinner and twirl.
Remove the art to a cardboard flat and add glitter before it dries.
Follow the link in the title for more directions and pictures.
11. Woven Paper Hearts
- Woven heart template, downloaded from the website in the title link.
- Two colors cardstock
- Glue, scissors, buttons
Print the template onto the cardstock pieces.
Cut out around the border, then fold in half and cut the weaving strips.
Weave the two shapes together to form a heart shape.
Glue a button on each square, if desired.
Glue the top, or add a handle to create a mini basket!
12. End the Classroom Valentine Projects session with snacks!
Make heart shaped rice krispies treats to end the day with some sweetness for yourselves.
- 3 Tablespoons of Butter
- 1 Package of Marshmallows 10oz. (about 40 regular sized ones or 4 cups of mini marshmallows)
- 5-6 Cups Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal
- 1 Package of white chocolate wafers
- pink food coloring (optional)
- In a large saucepan, melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until melted. Remove from heat.
- Add Rice Krispies cereal. Stir quickly until well coated.
- Using a buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into a 13x9x2 inch pan coated with cooking spray. cool.
- Using a heart cookie cutter cut the treats and set on a plate.
- Optional step to Steps 3 and 4, dip out balls of mixture with a spoon. Then with buttered hands, press into heart shapes on waxed paper.
- In a microwave safe bowl heat white chocolate wafers 30 seconds at a time. Stir until melted. If desired, add food color now.
- Once chocolate is melted dip the Rice Krispies treats half way in the chocolate.
- Place finished treats onto wax paper and let it set up. about 15 minutes.

Which of these
12 Classroom Valentine Projects
will you choose to make?