10 Wedding Guest Book Ideas to Match Your Bride Personality
We collected 10 Wedding Guest Book ideas to match your wedding personality. Are you a traditional bride? Glamorous? Trendy? We have ideas to get your imagination going so you can express your Wedding Personality in all aspects of your Special Day.
Here in this post we talked about your Wedding Stationery Personality.
The same personality traits could apply when you choose your guestbook style.
Traditionally, wedding guest pages are part of a Wedding Album or Book that also includes pages for entering other wedding memories. This is a beautiful, timeless tradition. The pages will match the rest of your album, making it a wonderful keepsake.
If a traditional wedding album isn’t part of your plan, we’ve collected some alternatives for you to consider.
Your choice among these ideas will depend on the style of your wedding. Meaning, your wedding personality will dictate which type of guestbook you might choose.
We’ll stay with our 6 original wedding personality types.
Trendy Wedding Guest Book
One of the latest trends for wedding stationery is clear acrylic.
If you translate that into a guest book idea, you might see something like this:

After the wedding it can hang in your home as decor.
You could also use a large clear glass frame, which would look spectacular in a wall collage in your master bedroom with other keepsake items from your wedding.
I have an ongoing wall collage in our bedroom that started when we got married. I decoupaged a wall plaque with our invitation and some matching accents. On a shelf nearby was a candle also decoupaged with our invitation.
From there, as the children came along, the items changed. Framed birth announcements, giving way to graduation mementos, then their wedding frames.
The collage keeps changing, with grandchildren added to the wall as they come along.
I guess it’s just a thing I do, and continue to love. I don’t have any other family items on the wall anywhere else in the house. This is my private little monument to our family.

Monogrammed and/or personalized wood signs are always trendy, and could easily translate into a wedding guest book. Use a large tray or wall sign.
Use white paint markers, or if it’s light wood, any permanent markers, to have guests sign their names and messages on the board around the monogram.
Traditional Wedding Guest Book Ideas With a New Twist
Taking the traditional Wedding Album page guest signatures up a notch, yet not rocking the boat too much?
Puzzles are definitely traditional, as they’ve been around forever.
Get a wooden, personalized puzzle where each signature/guest wish becomes a piece of your future.
You could make a tradition of putting the puzzle together on each anniversary, rereading and remembering the special people who attended your wedding.

Vintage Style Wedding Guest Book Ideas
Telegram Postcard for Guests’ Signatures
A telegram postcard could be signed by each wedding guest.
Your thrift store trips might have scored an old typewriter or vintage telephone that could be incorporated onto the guest signing table, with these postcards ready with pens for each guest to sign and place into a vintage office in/out basket.
Or if you have a travel theme, an old suitcase could hold the signed cards.

Unique Whiteboard and Markers as Wedding Guestbook
This whiteboard might not be vintage, but the frame is made from old barnwood, so it counts, right? I love the old-fashioned personalized heart, with lots of room for signatures all around.

Glamorous and Gold Heart Leaves for Signatures
Nothing says glam more than gold, and a tree with many leaves means many blessings for your marriage.
This idea would be fairly easy to DIY.

Rustic Frame With Signed Wooden Hearts Guest Book
If your style is rustic, we love this idea of wooden hearts dropped into a frame with the couple’s names and wedding date on a larger wooden heart.

Large Initials as Wedding Guest Book
Another sweetly rustic idea is huge cut out initials. If one initial is enough for all your guests, use the first letter of your last name. If you need more space, use the first letters of your names with an asterisk for more signatures.
The initials could be cut from metal or wood.

Natural Bride’s Choices for Wedding Guests
Ecological Wedding Guest Tracker
You’re the back to nature bride, so you don’t want trees cut down to make your guestbook.
So you pick an old dictionary, and have guests circle a word they wish for you, and sign their names on that dictionary page. Then they leave a sticky slip to mark the page.

Back to Nature Guest Book
Use river rocks and markers as another idea for preservation and using natural products.
The rocks are smooth and easy to mark. Use a basket, wooden box or tray for the unsigned rocks, then a clear sturdy glass vase for holding the signed rocks. It could be a lovely display.
And a lovely keepsake, if you ask the guests to include a message to your future.

Your wedding personality is sure to kick in with these beginning ideas, so you can imagine the best wedding guest book ideas ever.
We hope you enjoy these ideas for unique wedding guest books.
And may the wishes last as long as the memories of your best day ever.
Note: The photos on this page have been sourced from various places. Amazon.com is one. If I have misused a photo please let me know and I will remove it. Thank you.